



2017-02-21 11:07:00


  The German-speaking population has been an inseparable part of the world’s greatest creations in both arts and sciences; thus almost every academic discipline has a long and outstanding tradition of success stories, in Germany and beyond. Add this to that the fact that as of October this yearGermany abolished all tuition fees for national and international students alike, offering free internationally recognized degrees for every prospective student. There you have it: the ideal study abroad destination.

  Germany is at the heart of modern Europe in many ways – geographically, economically, and as one of the leading political lights in the EU. It’s also a multicultural melting-pot, an international center for everything from arts and fashion to automotive design and beer festivals, and boasts a capitalthat over the last few decades has emerged as one of the trendiest cities in the world.

  Add to this a history of great creatives and thinkers, including the likes of Goethe, Beethoven and Bach, as well as the recent tragedies of the 20th century, and you’ll certainly find no shortage of German artefacts and landscapes to get stuck into.

  No wonder students from all around the world are confused as to why can every other country cannot make such a convenient move as Germany. However, the lack of tuition fees is just one of many benefits of studying in Germany. Let’s go through all the advantages Germany has to offer to international students…



  德国历史上还有很多伟大的创意家和思想家,包括歌德、贝多芬、巴赫,以及最近的20 世纪悲剧历史,在德国,你一定不愁找不到德国的文物和景观。


  1. No tuition fees at public universities in Germany

  Higher education in Germany is mainly funded by the state and as such it is literally free of charge for domestic and international students alike. The German higher education system consists of around 400 institutions, divided into public “tuition free” institutions that host over 2.4 million students across Germany, and a smaller number of private institutions that enroll less than 5% of the total student body.

  In the past decade, Germany has been politically struggling to ban tuition fees throughout the whole country; yet as a decentralized federal country it was difficult to bring all 16 of the federations to agree. In October 2014, consensus was reached and Germany is now offering access to free higher education to all students, regardless of their origin.




  Undergraduate costs to study in Germany

  Although you can study in Germany for free at public institutions as an undergraduate, there is a charge per semester for enrolment, confirmation and administration – usually between €150 and €250 (US$170-280) depending on the university. There may be an additional charge of around €100 for a “Semesterticket”, which covers public transport expenses for six months. If you exceed the standard period of study by more than four semesters, you may also face a long-term fee charge, which could be as much as €800 (US$920) per semester.

  Most universities in Germany are public. Private institutions are usually primarily dependent on tuition fees for their funding (though some also receive support from foundations), and can charge up to €20,000 (US$22,850) per year. The University of Witten-Herdecke, for example, charges around €15,000 (US$17,150) for a degree, but offers flexible finance options, giving students the choice of whether to pay tuition fees from the start or pay a percentage based on income after graduation.

  The Federal Student Financial Aid Program (BAföG: Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) is available for German nationals and EU students, and even for foreigners under select conditions. Generally this aid is for those under 30 years old, or under 35 for those studying for a master’s degree. But exceptions can be made depending on circumstance. BAföG offer grants to cover basic living and training costs and also provides an Education Loan program, giving students the opportunity to take out a low-interest loan.


  虽然你可以在德国的公立大学免收学费进行本科学习,但是你仍然需要支付一些费用用于每学期的注册、确认和管理,具体收费标准取决于你所就读的大学,这笔费用通常为150欧元到250欧元之间(约合170美元到280美元) 。除此之外,可能还会有大约100 欧元的“学期优惠乘车票”的额外费用,这个费用包括了你在六个月的时间内搭乘公共交通的费用。如果你在德国留学的时间超过了四个学期的标准时间,你也可能会需要支付“超期费”,这笔费用可能会高达800欧元(约合920美元) 每学期。

  在德国大多数的大学都是公立大学。私立大学通常靠从学生那里收取的学费来提供大学运作的资金,尽管有些私立大学也会得到基金会的支持,私立大学可能会收取高达20,000欧元(约合22,850美元) 每年的学费。举个例子来说,维藤黑尔德克大学,一个学位的学费大约是15,000欧元 (约合17,150美元) ,但是这所大学也提供灵活的缴费选项,让学生可以选择在一开始就一次性付清学费,或者是根据毕业之后的收入来按照百分比支付学费。


  Master’s and postgraduate costs to study in Germany

  Master’s degrees at German universities are usually free if they are classed as “consecutive” – i.e. following directly on from a related bachelor’s degree gained in Germany. Again, there is a small charge per semester for enrolment, confirmation and administration, plus a Semesterticket. However, a “non-consecutive” master’s degree, for those who have gained their bachelor’s degree elsewhere in the world, can cost more than €10,000 (US$11,450) per semester, and private German universities can charge up to €30,000 (US$34,300) per year for a master’s degree.

  For example, Germany’s top-ranked institution, the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, lists fees for non-consecutive master’s degrees ranging from €2,050 (US$2,350) per semester for a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering up to €6,000 (US$6,870) per semester for a Master of Science in Health Economics.

  At PhD level, tuition is once again free at all universities in Germany – for the first six semesters at least. As at all levels of study, PhD students are also required to make a semester contribution of between €150 (US$170) and €200 (US$230) for administration and other costs.


  如果你属于“连续就读”的学生,即你的学士学位就是在德国大学获得的,并且你直接在德国大学就读跟你学士学位专业相关的硕士学位,那么你在德国大学就读硕士学位就是免收学费的。与在德国大学读本科一样,虽然免收学费,但是每学期还是有少量的注册费、确认费以及管理费,再加上学期优惠乘车票的少量费用。但是,如果你不是“连续就读”的学生,就是说你是在世界别的国家获得的学士学位,你在德国大学就读硕士学位就可能会被收取超过1万欧元 (约合11,450美元) 每学期的学费,德国的私立大学可能收取高达3万欧元 (约合34,300美元) 每年的学费。

  举个例子来说,在德国排名顶尖的大学,海德堡大学,非连续就读的硕士学位列出的费用是,生物医学工程硕士的学费为2,050欧元 (约合2,350美元) 每学期,卫生经济学硕士的学费为6千欧元 (约合6,870美元) 每学期。

  但是如果你是在德国就读博士学位,那么所有的德国大学都是免学费的,至少是最开始的六个学期免收学费。就像在德国大学就读其他等级一样,博士学生每学期也需要缴纳150欧元 (约合170美元) 到200 欧元 (约合230美元) 的管理费以及其他费用。

  Cost of living in Germany

  While many students are able to study in Germany for free, living expenses are unavoidable. The cost of living in Germany is more expensive in some areas than others (big cities such as Munich as well as cities across western Germany tend to be more expensive), with costs ranging from €350 to €1,000 (~US$482 to US$1,377) per month. Rent will be your largest monthly expense, but is cheaper if you live in a shared flat (average rent of €298/US$340 per month) or a student hall of residence (€240/US$275 per month).

  Based on data from the DAAD, other average monthly costs are as follows: €165 (~US$190) for food; €52 (US$60) for clothes; €82 (US$95) for transport; €33 (US$38) for telephone, internet and TV license; €30 (US$35) for work/study materials, and €68 (US$80) for leisure activities.

  You won’t need a visa to study in Germany if you’re an EU national or a citizen of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Otherwise expect to pay around €60 (US$70) for your student visa, but there are also fee reductions or waivers for Schengen visas. In order to fulfill the visa requirements, you will need to show proof that you have, or have access to, around €8,040 per year (US$9,230) or €670 (US$770) per month to cover your living costs.

  You will also need health insurance as a pre-condition of registering at a German university. If you’re a resident of a country within the EU or EEA, there should be a social security agreement between your country and Germany. This means that if you have public health insurance, you should be covered in Germany as well (full list here). If your health insurance is not valid in Germany, expect to pay between €80 (US$90) and €160 (US$180) per month to cover this.


  虽然很多学生都能够免费在德国留学,但是德国留学期间的生活费也是不可避免的。在德国有些区域的生活成本要比另外的区域更高,比如在慕尼黑等大城市还有德国西部的城市就更昂贵,生活费为350欧元到1000欧元每月(约合482美元到1,377美元) 。房子租金会成为你每个月最大的一笔开支,但是如果你跟别人一起合租的话,租金会要便宜一些,平均租金为298欧元(约合340美元)每个月,或者你还可以选择住在学生宿舍,费用也会更便宜,只需要240欧元(约合275美元)每个月。

  根据德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)的数据显示,其他每个月的平均费用还有以下几个方面:165欧元(约合190美元) 的餐食费用,52欧元(约合60美元)的衣服购买费用,82欧元(约合95美元)的交通费用,33欧元(约合38美元)的电话、互联网和电视许可证费用,30 欧元(约合35美元) 的工作学习材料费用,以及68欧元(约合80美元)的休闲活动开支。

  如果你是来自欧盟国家或者冰岛、列支敦士登、挪威或者瑞士这些国家的公民,那么你不需要留学签证就可以来德国留学。否则你就需要花费大约60欧元(约合70美金)的费用来申请你的留学签证,但是申根签证也可以享受费用降低或者免除的福利。为了满足德国留学签证申请的要求,你需要证明你自己拥有或者有权接触,大约8,040欧元(约合9,230美元) 每年或者670欧元(约合770美元)每个月的金额,用于支付你在德国留学期间的生活费用。

  如果你想要在德国大学注册,你还需要购买健康保险,这是在德国大学注册的前提条件。如果你是一个来自欧盟或者欧洲经济区国家的居民,那么你的国家和德国之间应该有社会保障协议。这就意味着,如果你已经购买了公共医疗保险,那么你在德国留学期间也可以同样享受这个保险。如果你不确定你是否能够享受,请在来德国留学之前就资讯清楚。如果你的健康保险在德国是无效的,那么你每个月需要支付大约80欧元(约合90美元) 到160欧元 (约合180美元)的健康保险费。

  Scholarships to study in Germany

  The German Academic Exchange Service, otherwise known as the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst), provides support for German and international students to gain funding to live and study in Germany for free or at a more affordable cost. DAAD scholarships to study in Germany are offered to German and international students of all levels, as well as academics and researchers. To find relevant scholarships to study in Germany, you can search based on keywords, study level, country of origin and subject.

  Another useful resource comes from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research or BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), which hosts a site dedicated to providing information on scholarships to study in Germany.




  2. Excellent higher education staff members and infrastructure

  Higher education in Germany consists of three different types of institutions:


  Universities of Applied Sciences

  Technical, Art, Film and Music Colleges

  Most public universities in Germany date from the Middle Ages, barring a significant tradition of qualitative education and prominent names in various academic disciplines. Other institutions were either founded after the Second World War or fairly recently, including most of the private universities in Germany.

  Universities in Germany are known to excel in both infrastructure and curricula. Optimal facilities providing contemporary technology, and a diversified professional staff that contributes to compounding an enlightening curricula, ensure promising future generations of experts regardless of the discipline. Innovation, international cooperation and practice-oriented studies are considered to be the revolutionary roads to a world-class education.








  3. Internationally recognized degrees

  Universities in Germany now all operate under the Bologna reform, which ensures all students get a unified and internationally recognized degree such as bachelor’s, masters or PhD.

  BA/BSc equals 6 semesters of study

  MA/MSc equals to 2-4 semesters, depending on the program

  PhD equals 4-6 semesters, depending on the program

  This applies to most academic disciplines, except for medicine, law and pharmacy. In these subjects students are still educated in the traditional way; a state exam is conducted at the end of studies, and the course lasts a few more semesters than an ordinary bachelor’s degree.







  4. Study programs taught in English

  Studying in Germany not only comes for free, but you can also do it in English if your German language skills are not so good. English is an international and widely spoken language, taught as a second language in the majority of schools around the world. A fresh start in a new country, a new university AND a new language can be tougher than you think; therefore you might want to go easy on yourself and take up an international program taught in English while your German language skills advance, and then perhaps switch to studying in Germany.



  5. Great job opportunities

  Regardless of the free tuition fee policy, studying in Germany doesn’t come entirely for free – you still need to meet the living costs. Therefore many international students tend to look for a job to support themselves while studying. It is very easy for EU students to find a job, as there are no limitations whatsoever. Meanwhile students from non-EU countries have to apply for a work permit, and their working hours are limited to 190 full days or 240 half days per year.

  Students from countries outside of the EU, EEA or Switzerland are not permitted to work freelance or self-employed. However, this has seldom been an issue since Germany is a very well-developed country where the economy supports thousands of new jobs every day, giving the majority of international students the possibility of finding a decent job.

  It’s worth mentioning that practice-oriented universities in Germany have agreements with great companies, providing students with internships. These may not always be paid, but could lead to a great future job after obtaining your degree.





  6. A chance to explore all aspects of life in Germany

  Student life in Germany thrives on adrenaline and curiosity. German people are friendly but give you privacy; mutual respect and order are part of the daily routine; and cultural diversity is worth exploring in every inch of the country, as it makes you feel part of one entity rather than a total stranger.

  Outdoor activities are pretty popular in Germany, including sports, hiking, cycling, skiing and more – so students who consider themselves athletic are going to fit in just fine. As most international students choose to live in metropolises, they’ll find lots of activities to fill their spare time; hanging out in bars, clubbing, theater and cinema are all part of student life in Germany. Most of the great German cities are artsy and have a vivid underground music scene, full of hipster fashion, books and ideals which all make for an enlightening and interesting experience.

  If you get tired of the frenzy, you’ll find that Germans are for the most part more private people, who prefer smaller gatherings behind closed doors, enjoying their food and beverages in a more intimate atmosphere. Once you have a chance to join local friendship groups, you will start learning about “real” life in Germany.

  Germans are by all means green. Parks and green spaces are part of every neighborhood and remain the ideal space to calm the mind. Travelling in and out of the country promises surreal landscapes, great architecture and loads of historical data to be revealed.

  Another true advantage to life in Germany is the excellent public transport, which is efficient, safe and fast. As an additional perk of studying in Germany, you get a travel card for free by paying enrollment and administrative taxes that are ridiculously low.







  Explore Berlin

  Germany’s capital city is unique. Study abroad here and you’ll never stop learning. Top historical sites to visit include the Berlin Wall, the Jewish Holocaust Memorial, Charlie’s Checkpoint and Potsdamer Platz. While the city holds a checkered history, scarred by the Second World War and the following period of division, Berlin’s history makes the city what it is today, a modern city of incredible diversity, openness and historic remembrance. There’s also much, much more to Berlin than historic sites. It has a vibrant film industry, a raging nightlife, great cuisine and an eclectic underground music scene. From the majestic Brandenburg Tor to the fashionable Alexanderplatz, Berlin is a capital city like no other.



  Castle Neuschwanstein

  This 19th-century Romanesque Revival palace is one of the most picturesque castles in the world. Commissioned by Germany’s “fairy-tale king” Ludwig ll of Bavaria, Castle Neuschwanstein holds a special place in German history. Upon the death of his grandfather, Germany’s slightly eccentric king began the task of rebuilding the palace, a favorite haunt from his childhood years.

  Incorporating his love of opera, most notably that of composer Richard Wagner, Ludwig built himself a haven in which he was able to live out his idea of the Middle Ages. However, the palace wasn’t yet finished when Ludwig died in mysterious circumstances by the lake. Today, visiting Castle Neuschwanstein is one of the most popular things to do in Germany with more than 1.3 million visitors annually. It’s also widely known as the inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.


  新天鹅堡是19 世纪罗马式复兴式宫殿,是世界上最美丽的城堡之一。新天鹅堡是由德国的“童话国王”巴伐利亚的维希二世委托建造,在德国历史上具有非常特殊的位置。在国王的祖父去世之后,德国略显古怪的国王开始重建宫殿,这是从他的童年岁月开始就最喜欢做的事。


  Christmas markets

  One of the best things of studying abroad in the Northern Hemisphere is the way Christmas brightens up the winter months, and Germany certainly knows how to make the most of the festive season. It won’t matter that the days are shorter and the temperatures colder; wrap up warm and head outside to explore the country’s famous Christmas markets (Weichnachtsmarkt), which are staged in almost every town and city around Germany and have become a popular event across Europe. Glut out on glühwein (warm red wine with fruit and spices) and apple fritters, and get all your Christmas shopping done in one hit!


  在北半球国家留学的最棒的事情之一就是冬季的圣诞节,圣诞节能够燃烧整个冬季的氛围,德国当然也知道怎样使这个节日最喜庆。白天时间短、温度低,这些都无所谓,穿上暖和的衣服一起来探索德国著名的圣诞市场 (Weichnachtsmarkt)吧。圣诞市场几乎在德国每个镇和城市都有,已经成为欧洲非常受欢迎的活动。来一杯圣诞热红酒(这是温热的红葡萄酒加上水果和香料调制而成的) 和炸苹果圈,然后在这里一次性完成你的圣诞血拼吧。


  Germany is one of the great brewing nations of the world, and taking time to indulge in some of the world’s finest beers is often at the top of lists of things to do in Germany. The most popular way to do this is by joining Munich’sOktoberfest, which takes place from late September and lasts for two whole weeks, attracting approximately six million visitors to the Bavarian capital every year. Forget your books for a few days and get into the spirit of Oktoberfest – you’re likely to find a large part of the German student population doing the same, along with many of your lecturers too!



  Summer fireworks festivals

  During Germany’s summer months, from May to September, something special happens on the River Rhine. In the summer nights, the Rhine, one of Europe’s longest and most important rivers, is lit up by a dramatic blaze of fireworks, shedding light on the convoy of boats which makes its way up the river, as the public wander along the water’s edge to watch.

  These spectacular riverside fireworks displays are known as the ‘Rhein in Flammen' (Rhine in Flames) and there are a number of dinner cruises which operate during the event, where you’ll often find the best views of the fireworks, set against a backdrop of castles, palaces, picturesque villages and a beautiful riverside landscape.



  这些壮观的河畔烟花被称为“莱茵河烟花节”(莱茵河岸烟火) ,活动期间还有晚餐活动,在那里你会发现不同的欣赏烟花的视角,城堡、宫殿、风景如画的村庄和美丽的莱茵河景观融为和谐的一体。

  Wagner Opera Festival

  If you’re able to get tickets (waiting lists are long), the Wagner Opera Festival is one of the ultimate things to do in Germany for theatre and opera lovers alike. Head for the city of Bayreuth in north-east Bavaria to witness the famous festival, which takes place every year from late July to August.

  Festival performances take place in Bayreuth Festspielhaus, a custom-built theatre that composer Richard Wagner himself helped to design. People wait five to ten years for tickets to the Wagner Opera Festival, but try your luck by turning up on the day. You may be able to secure a returned ticket – that’s if you haven’t got stuck in a traffic jam along with everyone else attempting to do the same!


  如果你能弄到票 (有许多人都想得到一张票,所以有长长的等待名单),瓦格纳歌剧节是戏剧和歌剧爱好者在德国一定要做的事情之一。赶快前往巴伐利亚东北部的城市拜罗伊特,一起来见证这个著名的节日,瓦格纳歌剧节在每年的7月下旬到8月举行。


  Drive the Romantic Road

  Stretching from Würzburg in the north of Bavaria to Füssen in the south, the 300-plus kilometers of Germany’s Romantic Road is another of the most famous things to do in Germany. A historic and scenic trade route, the Romantic Road takes visitors past medieval walled towns, alongside vineyards, past palaces and castles, and through quaint villages, all providing an excellent insight into the region's history, art and culture. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, hiking trails, German cuisine or a few ski slopes, you’re likely to find it all along the Romantic Road!


  从巴伐利亚北部维尔茨堡一直延伸到富森的南边,这条300 多公里的德国浪漫之路是另一件要在德国做的最著名的事情。这是一条充满古迹和风景的路线,浪漫之路会带游客经过中世纪城墙环绕的老城,经过葡萄园,过去的宫殿和城堡,最后穿过古朴的村庄,所有这一切能够让你深入了解该地区的历史、艺术和文化。无论你在寻找的是浪漫之旅、远足小径、德国美食,或是滑雪场,在浪漫之路上你能找到所有的这一切。

  Baked Fish Festival (Backfischfest)

  Don’t be put off by the name – of either the festival or the city. Head to the city of Worms in Rhineland-Palatinate (Western Germany) in late August to celebrate the traditional Baked Fish Festival (Backfischfest) – the biggest wine, food and folk festival on the banks of the Rhine. Dedicated to the Fishermen’s Guild, Germany’s oldest such organization, the Backfischfest includes activities such as a lantern procession, a tug o’ war competition, jousting, and the traditional housewives’ afternoon.

  烤鱼节 (苏格兰威士忌体验)

  千万不要被这个名字吓到,不管是被“节日”或“城市”吓到。8月下旬前往沃尔姆斯的莱茵兰-普法尔茨(位于德国西部),来庆祝传统的烤鱼节(苏格兰威士忌体验) ,这里有最大的葡萄酒、美食和莱茵河两岸的民间节日。渔民协会是德国最古老的组织,烤鱼节的活动还有灯笼游行,拖船竞赛,拔河,以及传统家庭主妇的下午等等。

  The Cologne Karneval

  Each year, at 11 minutes past 11 on the 11th of November (the time and date of the truce that ended fighting in World War I in 1918), carnival season is declared open – and there is no better place to join in the revelry than in Cologne (Köln). In one of Germany’s most popular student cities, the streets come alive during ‘Karneval’, with processions, concerts and colorful costumes.

  Traditionally coinciding with Easter celebrations, the week-long street festival is timed to fall between Fat Thursday and Ash Wednesday in the Lent calendar and has thus become almost as important a date in the party calendar as Oktoberfest. One of the top things to do in Germany at Eastertime, the Cologne Karneval is just one of many similar festivals happening up and down the country.




  Experience the bustling maritime city of Hamburg

  Not only is it Germany’s second-largest city, Hamburg is also the country’s wealthiest city. Its identity is bound up in a maritime history which has successfully secured Hamburg’s place as the world’s third-busiest port (behindLondon and New York). Perhaps not quite as well-known as German cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, Hamburg is certainly well worth a visit, if only to take in the completely different feel it has. There are the buildings shaped like ocean liners, the artificial river beaches, gothic warehouses and fish markets. Visit Hamburg and find out why almost 1.8 million people call this German city home!


  汉堡不仅仅是德国的第二大城市,它还是这个国家最富有的城市。在海运的历史中,汉堡有着非常重要的地位,这是世界上第三繁忙的港口(位居在伦敦和纽约之后) 。也许汉堡不像德国的柏林、法兰克福、慕尼黑等城市一样著名,但是汉堡仍然是非常值得一看的,如果你想体验德国城市不同的感觉。在汉堡有的建筑形状像远洋客轮、人工河滩、哥特式仓库和鱼市场。你一定要亲自来汉堡看一看,并且找出为什么将近180万人把这个德国城市叫做家的原因。

  7. Staying in Germany after your studies

  Finally, after studying in Germany, you’ll have the chance to stay on and seek work after you graduate. The law allows international graduates to stay for an additional 18 months to seek work, and you may even end up staying longer, if that is what you wish.




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