



2016-08-05 16:57:00





  1) Set up reasonable work goals, and give priority to important and urgent items. People who have good time management skills will make a to-do list in regards to their workload every day and set priorities based on four focused principles: important & urgent events; important, but not urgent events; unimportant, but urgent events, and finally, unimportant, and not urgent events. Finishing your tasks according to this principle can help you improve your work efficiency.


  Example:Ava is the secretary to a foreign company’s president. Even though she has a heavy workload and a lot of complex things to deal with every day, she can easily cope with them and finish them in an orderly manner. The reason for this is that she will clear her mind every morning before she starts work. She will then spend 10 minutes to make a schedule and label various tasks in order of importance. She gives priority to important and urgent projects, which also have closer deadlines. This habit helps Ava to complete tasks effectively with high quality. She will soon be promoted to Office Manager.


  2)Apply the Pareto Principle, which is also called Principle of Least Effort. You regard it as a reminder that you put 80% of your effort to deal with the 20% of things that you consider most important. Only 20% of things need you to spend most of your time and effort to finish, which can lead you to the path of success. We all have limited time and energy. Therefore, you should give more focus to the right things that give the biggest return.


  Example: Jake is a sales person in a foreign company. Every month, he would sort tables, contact important customers and analyse sales report for the department at his own initiative. After half a year, he accumulated a lot of customer information and discovered that most of the departmental revenue came from 20% of the customers. Slowly, Jake began to spend most of his energy on the 20% of customers who had the most potential. He then became the sales champion every month. He could take his extra time he now has to conduct new staff orientation. Now he has become a favourable manager candidate of the company.


  3) Change your working habits and arrange your time according to your own habits and working pace. Most people always use their intuition to improve things that are usually thought of as being inefficient. Therefore, it is important to record what is the best condition both of your mental and physical status. Arrange the most important work schedule in this period of time, so that you get twice the result with half the effort.


  Example: Alex was highly efficient in his work. He didn’t only need to write an internet series for his blog, but also had time to accompany his family and go exercise. Many people asked him for advice about time management. He taught people to use their short spare time to organize their thoughts. It was good to work when you were in a good mood because a clear mind and quick thinking could help improve work efficiency. If Alex felt tired or felt unable to concentrate on his work, he would take the opportunity to relax through activities such as going to Gym or accompanying his family out. Then he would get back to work with a better mindset.








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