



2016-03-31 14:30:00


  下面是出国留学网小编为大家整理的美国总统英语访谈录,采访美国第39任总统:吉米卡特--不要叫我总统,请叫我吉米: My Carter Center Club is to Help People 我的卡特中心俱乐部是要帮助人们。希望能对大家的英语听力练习有所帮助!


  Anchor: The president comes to us from the Wilderness Room at Club Med in Crested Butte, Colorado and looks every inch the wintry president, in perfect garb. What are you in Colorado for?

  主持人:总统从科罗拉多克雷斯特德比 特的地中海倶乐部的旷野屋来到我们演 播室,还穿着冬装,看起来完全是冬天 的感觉。你为什么去科罗拉多州?

  Carter: Well, Larry, the first time I ever saw snow skis was when I was 62 years old and that was 19 years ago and I’m still skiing. So, we’ll be skiing with some very close friends of the Carter Center letting them know what the Carter Center is doing around the world. We have programs in over 65 countries. And then we get to know them individually and then the last night that we’re here we always have an auction and have a wide range of very delightful and attractive and very valuable things to auction off. Usually the high point is a major piece of furniture that I build during the rest of the year. So, this year I built a beautiful piece of furniture that we hope will bring a lot of money.

  卡特:嗯,拉里,我62岁时第一次看 见别人滑雪,那是19年前的事了,现 在我还滑雪。所以我们会和卡特中心的 密友一起去滑雪,让他们知道卡特中心 在全世界做什么工作。我们在65个国 家都有项目。然后我们就能了解他们每 个人了,昨晚我们在这里进行了一场拍 卖,拍卖了很多不同种类的、很美好、 很吸引人的、很有价值的东西。通常拍 卖的高潮是我余年要做的一件家具。今 年我做了一件很漂亮的家具,我们希望它能卖个高价。

  Anchor: That’s the persimmon wood cabinet; handmade, designed and built more than 100 pieces of furniture since leaving the White House. Why do you indulge in this? Why do you like designing furniture?

  主持人:那是一个柿子木做的木柜,你 自从离开白宫后亲手设计制作了 100多 件家具。为什么会对这个感兴趣呢?为 什么喜欢设计家具呢?

  Carter: Well, I've just finished my 20th book this past year and Fm working on my 21st book about the Middle East right now that I’ll finish this year. And I get up early in the morning and when I get tired of the computer and tired of doing research, I walk 20 steps out to my woodshop and I either build furniture or paint paintings. I’m an artist too. Sometimes we auction off some of my art and so it gives me something to do. And this particular piece by the way, Larry, is made from a special wood, persimmon wood. The log was buried under a south Georgia stream for more than 150 years and it was salvaged in hopes that it would be the heads on golf driver clubs. That’s what persimmon wood is used for because it’s so hard and so beautiful and polishes so well. But, they started using titanium a few years ago, so this guy in south Georgia has this log left over. He called me on the phone and sent me a letter and asked me if I wanted the wood. So, I went down and he and I sawed it in boards on the largest band saw in the world. So, it’s really a special thing. It’s got wonderful designs in the wood caused by that immersion and, you know, tannic acid water for a century and a half.

  卡特:嗯,我去年刚完成了我的第20 本书。现在我在写我的第21本书,是 关于中东的,将于完成。我早上起得很 早,要是厌倦了电脑和作研究,我就走 出去,大概走20步就能到我的木头作 坊,我在那儿做家具或是作画。我也是 一名艺术家。有时我们会拍卖一些我的 艺术作品,这能让我有事情做。拉里, 顺便说一下这个特殊的木块是用特殊的 木头——柿子木做成的。这个原木原来 埋在南佐治亚的一条小溪下超过150多 年,被挖出来后本可以做高尔夫倶乐部 的门眉。柿子木之所以被用来做门眉是 因为木质坚硬、漂亮、也很光亮。但是 他们几年前就开始用钛了,所以南佐治 亚的这个人就舍弃了这块原木。他给我 打电话,给我寄信,问我是不是想要这 块木头。所以我就过去了,我在世界最 著名的锯厂将木头锯成木板。所以这真 的是很特别的事情。由于浸在丹宁酸水 中超过了一个半世纪之久,所以木头上有很好看的纹理。

  Anchor: Proceeds all go to the Carter Center?


  Carter: Everything goes to the Carter Center. I give the furniture or the painting to the Carter Center ahead of time. They auction it off and keep all the money.

  卡特:所有的东西都贡献给卡特中心。 我把做的家具或者是绘画作品提前给卡 特中心,他们进行拍卖,然后留下所有 的钱。

  Anchor: They’re also going to auction off two bottles of President Carter’s private label wine.

  主持人:他们还准备拍卖两瓶卡特总统 私人标记的红酒。

  Carter: Absolutely.


  Anchor: You have wine specifically made for you?


  Carter: Yes. Every now and then when we run out of wine at my house I make about 100 bottles of wine,this last time about 75 bottles of red wine and 25 bottles of white wine. So, Rose and I drink a little wine along but we kind of got reluctant to drink the wine now because when it’s auctioned off,you know, it brings several thousand dollars a bottle, so we feel like when we drink some of my wine we're drinking very expensive wine.

  卡特:是的。我们家的红酒喝完的时 候,时不时地我会做100瓶红酒,上次 做了 75瓶红酒和25瓶白葡萄酒。我和 罗斯通常会喝一点红酒,但是现在有点 不愿意喝红酒了。因为自从拍卖后,你 知道,一瓶酒就几千美元,所以我们再 喝我做的红酒的时候就觉得是在喝很昂 贵的酒。

  Anchor: There’s also an autographed photo...


  Carter: But I enjoy making wine.


  Anchor: ...autographed photo of five US presidents at the Reagan Library in ‘91, Bush 41,Reagan,Carter, Ford and Nixon. That’s extraordinary.

  主持人:……一张1991年在里根图书 馆拍摄的5位美国总统的签名照片,有 41任总统赫伯特?布什、里根、卡特、 福特和尼克松。很珍贵的照片啊。

  Carter: It is. While we were at the Reagan Library, Larry, we decided to sign just a very few photographs of all five of us presidents as a matter of fact and six first ladies, including Lady Bird Johnson signed these photographs. Each president got just a very few of a signed and autographed photograph. So, obviously there are no others like it in the world, so that will be auctioned off as well.

  卡特:确实。拉里,当我们在里根图书 馆的时候,我们决定在一张有我们5位 总统,实际上还包括伯德?约翰逊女 士的6位第一夫人的几张照片上签名。 每个总统只拿到几张有签名的照片。所 以显然世界上不会再有这样的照片了, 所以那照片也就被拍卖了。

  Anchor: And, also rare prints of a painting by you.


  Carter: That's right. My paintings have gotten to be pretty popular and I’ve taken a little bit more interest in painting the last few years. In fact, my novel that I wrote not too long ago, The Hornet's Nest, I painted the cover picture for it and I do a good bit of painting now.

  卡特:没错。我的画现在已经很流行 了,最近几年我在绘画上的兴趣渐长。事实上我不久之前写的那本小说《大黄 蜂之巢》,封面就是我画的,我现在画 了很多。

  Anchor: All that takes place this weekend in Colorado where the president hosts. The auction goes for the Carter Center, one of the most noble concepts in the world. The work they do at the Carter Center in Atlanta and around the world is extraordinary. They also auction off vacation trips to Palm Springs, Las Vegas, Florence and Hawaii. We’ll talk more about it a little later. I'm sorry, go ahead.

  主持人:所有这些都是周末总统在科罗 拉多州主持下进行的。拍卖会是卡特中 心组织的,这是世界上最高尚的概念之 一。卡特中心做的工作在亚特兰大,甚 至全世界都是很出众的。他们拍卖也前 往棕榈泉、拉斯维加斯、弗洛伦斯和夏 威夷的假期之旅。我们之后再详细说这 个。对不起,你继续。

  Carter: Anybody can bid. Anybody can bid by the way, Larry, if they look up the Carter Center on the Web site just www.cartercenter.org. They can bid on the items and there’s some information about these items on television —on the computer, excuse me.

  卡特:任何人都能竞标。拉里,任何人都能竞标,顺便说一下,如果他们 去卡特中心的官方网站 www.cartercenter.org 看一下的话。他们可以在电视上------对不起,是电脑上,看到那些要 竞标的物品信息。

  Anchor: So, the bids are being — bids are being accepted online, information at www.cartercenter.org. The president was just in London for the Mid East Quartet meeting there.

  主持人:所以,竞标是通 过网上进行的,详情请去 网站 vwvw.cartercenter. org查询。总统是在伦 敦参加中东四方会议的。

  Carter: Yes.


  Anchor: And his most recent book, a book taking on the administration, maybe is one of your best sellers ever. Were you surprised at that? You took on religion.

  主持人:而且总统最新 的一本关于政府的书可 能是卖得最好的一本了 吧。你对此感到惊讶吗?你曾经写过宗教方面的书。

  Carter: I thought — I thought America might be ready for the book. The first week it was out in November it was number one on “The New York Times” list and then two weeks after Christmas it was still number one on The New York Times list. So, it’s been I think the most popular book I’ve ever written, yes.

  卡特:我以为——我以为美国已经准备好接受这本书了。11月出版的第一周 就成为《纽约时报》的书榜的冠军, 圣诞节的两周后仍然名列榜首。所以 我想这本书确实是我写的最成功的一 本了。

  Anchor: Were you surprised at that?


  Carter: Pleasantly surprised, yes. In fact, my wife and I just got back from holding, monitoring the election in Palestine this past week and after I got back then I — I went back to London afterwards to meet with the quartet and they’re the ones, you know, the United States and Russia, the European Union and the United Nation those are the quartet, they’re the ones that basically shape the policy of the western world on the Mid East peace process. And so, the election was extremely interesting, both the way it was conducted, which was almost perfect and the outcome, as you know, where Hamas won a surprising victory. But, it was a beautiful election and this is the third time that the Carter Center has monitored the elections in Palestine beginning ten years ago when Arafat was elected president. It’s our 62nd election in the world.

  卡特:是惊喜。事实上上周我和妻子刚 主持和监督了巴勒斯坦的大选回来,我 回到伦敦参加四方会议,参加会议的 人,你知道,来自美国、俄国、欧盟和 联合国。他们基本是在中东和平进程方 面形成了西方世界的政策。选举是极其 有趣的,选举的方式很完美,结果也很完美。你知道,哈马斯获得了惊人的胜利。但 是,这次选举很好,这是哈马斯控制的政府时,美国就可以通过 联合国把这些钱给巴勒斯坦人民,或者 通过难民组织或联合国儿童基金会等。 所以,我希望在以色列占领下遭受苦难 的巴勒斯坦人民,将来不会继续受苦, 因为他们被剥夺了支付教师、警察、福 利工作者、健康工作者工资和给人民提 供食物的权利。所以,我希望巴勒斯坦 人民不会以生活质量为代价。卡特中心 自10年 前阿拉法 特被选为 总统后第 三次监督 巴勒斯坦 的选举 了,而且 也是我们 监督过的世界上的第62次选举。

  Anchor: What do you do when you want a democracy, this country would like all countries to be democratic, and in a democratic election they elect someone you don’t like?

  主持人:当你想要民主的时候,当这个 国家将会像所有的国家一样成为民主国 家的时候,当在一次民主选举中选出了 你不喜欢的人的时候,你会怎么做?

  Carter: Well, obviously if you sponsor an election or promote democracy and freedom around the world then when people make their own decision about their leaders I think that all the government should recognize that administration and let them form the government as decided by the people themselves. If there are prohibitions, for instance,like in the United States against giving any money to a government that is controlled by Hamas, then the United States could channel the same amount of money to the Palestinian people through the United Nations, through the refugee fund, through UNICEF and things of that kind. So, I hope that the people of Palestine who already suffer, as you know, under Israeli occupation, will not suffer because they’re deprived of a right to pay the schoolteachers, the policemen, their welfare workers, the health workers and provide food for people. So, that’s what I hope that it won’t cost the Palestinian people their quality of life.

  卡特:嗯,显然,如果你赞助一场选举 或者推进世界民主和自由,那么当人民 自主决定他们的领导人时,我认为所有 的政府都应该承认选出的这个政府,让 他们行使人民所决定的政府权力。比 如,如果有禁令,就像美国不想资助由

  Anchor: You were there. Is there any chance of Hamas turning away from the violent statements in their concept?

  主持人:你在巴勒斯坦待过。哈马斯有 没有可能转变其执政概念上的武力声 明?

  Carter: Yes, I think there’s a good chance, Larry. After Arafat was elected ten years ago, I was there and he knew me and he asked me to intercede with Hamas leaders to see if at that time they wouldn’t accept the new Palestinian government, the parliament members and Arafat as president. And, I spent a while with them but some of their leaders were out of the country, so I arranged to meet with the leadership in Cairo after I left Palestine. But when the time came they canceled on the meeting, so I haven’t had any contact with them since until two days after this election. I did meet with some of the same Hamas members in Ramallah and I think they told me they want to have a peaceful administration. They want to have a unity government, bring in the Fatah members and the independent members and I think that there’s a good chance that they will, of course, what they say,what they do is two different matters.

  卡特:有可能,我认为很有可能,拉 里。10年前 阿拉法特被选 为总统后,我 在那里,他认 识我,他让我 和哈马斯领导 进行调解,看 看那时他们是 不是会接受新 的巴勒斯坦政 府,接受议 会成员以及阿拉法特总统。我待了一段 时间,但是他们的部分领导人都不在国 内,所以我就在离开巴勒斯坦前与其领 导团在开罗会见。但是会见时间快到时 他们取消了会面,所以我在这次大选结 束两天后才和他们有了一点儿接触。我 和一些拉马拉的同一批哈马斯成员见了 面,我想他们曾告诉我他们想要一个和 平的政府。他们想要一个联合政府,有 法塔赫成员和独立人员。我想很可能他 们会,当然他们说得和做得可能是两回 事。





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