



2020-12-13 16:43:00











  “Some people like to buy a piece of technological device as soon as it is available in the market. Other people prefer to buy it after many people have adopted it. Which do you prefer?”


  When a new piece of technological device, usually an electronic gadget, is launched, there must be long queues of people who cannot wait to own it. On the other hand, there are patient people, who wait until the market calms down. Although passion is not necessarily undesirable, patience is more adoptable.

  For one thing, if a consumer could stay calm, he or she would likely have an economical deal or even a bargain. As consumer electronics are updated so frequently that the original high price of a model can hardly remain long, it is not smart to purchase a device when it is newly available and at its peak price. After the initial thrill, many early birds regret their impulse because they know that they have overpaid. It is therefore sensible to buy the device when the price drops to a reasonable level. As for the excitement of owning a new digital gear, as long as the device is new to its owner, it does not have to be the freshly available.

  Here comes the follow-up question: for how long should a consumer wait? Usually a few months — when many people have owned it. A typical example is smart phones, whose old models are replaced with new ones annually. A consumer could wait for merely a few months and own the most recent model with a moderate expense of money, saving hundreds of dollars.

  中心句:Waiting is a rational decision also because consumers can be better-informed. Although it is exciting to chase the trend closely, those technological fashionistas can wind up feeling disappointed. When they purchase a newest model of tablet or a most cutting-edgy wearable item, they often have no idea or only a vague idea of how these products actually feel—the appearance, the tactility, the weight and the functionality. At the moment they open the box, any feature that is below their expectations can upset them. Contrarily, patience makes winners. It is particularly advantageous that ‘late arrivals’, who have probably learned the strengths and weaknesses of a device from the feedback of ‘early birds’, are well prepared for the item. Especially unsurprised by the drawbacks, those patient shoppers are less likely to be ripped off .

  In conclusion, first, if a technological product is purchased at a supposedly lower price, it is more worth the money; second, if the decision of purchasing is based on others’ user experience as reference, it may be more reasonable. For these two reasons as the minimum, it is better to buy a technological device when the initial heat is gone than when the tide is high.


  1. 词句使用:

  a) 句法结构丰富且自然:没有过度堆砌语法结构而造成阅读困难、冗余、油腻,作为范文可以帮助学生建立正确的导向,防止一味追求复杂结构。

  b) 词汇地道且自然:并没有追求长难罕见词,但大量使用了学生普遍认识但未必会用的词汇,恰如其分,没有明显的中文痕迹。

  2. 谋篇布局:没有明显的模板痕迹,文脉流畅。


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