



2018-11-22 18:47:00



  TASK 1



  TASK 2

  Qualities (a person needs) to become successful in today’s world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institutions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  Success, an expected good result that a person may reach, is dedicated by various qualities including personal characters, knowledge accumulation, and cooperative spirit. That universities or colleges could educate such qualities for a person to succeed is a too narrow belief.

  To begin with, individual personalities and characters are the initial keys to potential achievements, as the road to success is full of thorns, requiring the person to be prepared for optimism, calmness, and perseverance to strike the hedge and step forward to the established goals. These characters, in fact, are formed based on the influences from families, schools, and wider societies during the self-development process, which cannot be learnt at once or in any single place.

  The second key is knowledge base. Knowledge is widely regarded as one of the most powerful competences for a person to make a difference, but knowledge and information storage is built and developed in accumulation, starting from antenatal training, then to babbling, and moving on to receiving basic educations at primary and secondary schools. In other words, learning knowledge needs a solid foundation. Without the paved footstone, university and academic study would be as unrealistic as a castle in the air.

  Further, the sense of being collaborative plays an indispensable role. Only when an individual learns and knows how to effectively interacts and coordinates with others at growth can he or she acquire parents’ support, teachers’ guidance, and friends’ coordination---the important sources to help the person to become successful. Thus, it would be too late if a person starts learning such quality at university.

  University education is the final stage of formal learning after secondary schoolings. This means, university is the place where students could further enhance and strengthen the key qualities, regardless of personal characters, knowledge system, or cooperative consciousness via more professional and well-focused instructions and assignments; rather a kindergarten for nurturing baby learners.


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