



2018-01-23 21:55:00



  前言:我们为什么推荐您去巴塞罗那呢? 巴塞罗那多样化的建筑确实让这座城市脱颖而出。高第的古埃尔公园和圣家族教堂都令人印象深刻,La Seu和Montjuïc城堡也是令人印象深刻的。当你厌倦了建筑,在海滩上放松,吃着当地的食物(西班牙小吃),或者沿着兰布拉大道品尝桑格利亚汽酒。



  Barcelona contains both the authentically historic and the wildly bizarre. From the scenic trails of the colorful Park Güell to the romantic narrow alleys of Barri Gòtic; from the beachside nightclubs to the city's dozens of sacred churches and architectural marvels, this city by the sea seems to attract all types: the adventurer, the couple, the partier, the culture lover – and more – with an almost overwhelming variety of things to do. You could stay for a few days, but chances are you'll need a whole week to explore.

  In Barcelona, even the beach is bustling, but it's really the cosmopolitan city that gets all the attention. Much of the activity revolves around Las Ramblas, a series of narrow streets and alleys packed with restaurants, nightclubs and a vibrant pedestrian market. But you should also take a tour of Antoni Gaudí's masterpieces; Gaudí is responsible for sites like Casa Milà, Casa Batlló and La Sagrada Familia. You also shouldn't miss out on the eclectic shopping scene and the region's exquisite food and wine. You see why we suggest a week vacation?

  巴塞罗那包含了真正的历史和荒谬的奇异。从多彩的风景小径桂尔公园,以浪漫的狭窄小巷哥特区 ; 从海边的夜总会到市内数十座神圣的教堂和建筑奇迹,这座海边的城市似乎吸引了所有类型:冒险家、情侣、派、文化爱好者等等。你可以多待几天一起去玩,但是你可能需要整整一个星期去探索。在巴塞罗那,即使是海滩也是熙熙攘攘,但这真是这个国际大都市的全部关注点。大部分活动围绕着兰布拉大道,一系列狭窄的街道和小巷,挤满了餐馆,夜总会和充满活力的步行街。但你也应该参观安东尼·高迪的杰作,高迪负责CasaMilà, CasaBatlló和La Sagrada Familia等网站。您也不应该错过折衷主义的购物场所和该地区的精美食品和葡萄酒。你明白为什么我们建议一个星期的假期?


  #1 in Best Places to Visit in Spain


  #3 in Best Family Vacations in Europe


  #5 in Best Summer Vacations


  #8 in Best Places to Visit in Europe


  #9 in World's Best Places to Visit





  Antoni Gaudí's Parc Güell is as whimsical as parks can get. The park was originally supposed to be a housing community for the rich, commissioned by Eusebi Güell. Güell hired Gaudí but the project eventually folded due to the land's incompatible building conditions. Gaudí continued on, modeling the park after gardens he had seen in England (Güell means English in Catalan) and building around the natural elements of the land instead of tearing them down.Travelers found Parc Güell to be a lovely place to spend a sunny day in Barcelona. Visitors loved the beautiful architecture of the park and how it seamlessly weaved into its natural surroundings. Some strongly suggested taking part in a guided tour to better understand the history and architectural detail of the park (guided tours are available at the park with the purchase of a guided tour ticket). Others also recommended taking time to explore the trails Park Güell has to offer, but make sure to come prepared. Being built on a hill, trails feature steep inclines and unpaved pathways. And keep in mind that since this is one of Barcelona's most popular attractions, there will seldom be a time when there isn't crowds. In fact, according to the Barcelona Tourism board, only 2.4 percent of Barcelona residents visit the park. The rest are national and international tourists.

  Parc Güell is open every day, but hours vary depending on the season. There is a cost to enter the park. Tickets are 7 euros ($8) online and 8 euros (about $9.50) at the park. Reduced fares are available for children and seniors. Some visitors complained of not being able to be admitted to the park the day they arrived due to capacity restrictions, so getting a ticket in advance online is advised, especially if you're short on time. To get to the front entrance of the park, hop off at the Alfons X metro station. If you want to start at the top of the park and make your way down, get off at the Vallcarca stop. Keep in mind that there are no metro stations just a couple blocks away from the park. Vallcarca is a half a mile west and Alfons X is nearly a mile southeast. For more information, visit Parc Güell's website.

  东尼·高迪的古埃尔公园与其他公园一样可以得到的一样异想天开。公园最初应该是EusebiGüell委托的富人住宅社区。古埃尔雇用了高迪,但是由于这个土地的不兼容的建筑条件,这个项目最终被折叠起来。高迪继续说,他在英格兰看到的花园(古埃尔意味着英语在加泰罗尼亚语),并围绕土地的自然元素而建造的公园建模,而不是把它们撕下来。现如今的公园占地42英亩的空间,并具有典型的高迪日式公园道具。在这里,游客将会看到一个长长的波浪石凳,上面摆放着充满活力的马赛克,并配有海景。这里的欢迎中心(在高迪和公园里放置公园纪念品和学习材料)看起来就像你在苏斯博士书中看到的建筑物,而不是简陋的行政大楼。您还可以找到许多风景如画的小路,沿着翠绿的植被,层叠的瓷砖楼梯和锯齿状的石柱和隧道。当你在这里,不要错过看到SalaHipóstila的机会。SalaHipóstila位于入口处,原本打算成为一个市场。现如今,它只不过是用尊贵的石柱和漂亮的马赛克作品来炫耀游客,你会发现它们在天花板上散落。其他受欢迎的景点包括 高 迪房子博物馆(GaudíHouse Museum),高迪的故居转向博物馆,以及 Turóde les Tres Creus,这个观景点可以看到位于公园西南角的城市美景。


  古埃尔公园每天开放,但时间因季节而异。进入公园是有成本的。门票是7欧元(8美元)在线和8欧元(约9.50美元)在公园。儿童和老年人的票价可以降低。有些游客抱怨由于容量限制,他们抵达公园的日子不能入住,所以建议在网上提前预订机票,特别是如果时间不够的话。要到达公园正门,在Alfons X地铁站下车。如果你想在公园的顶端开始下山,请在Vallcarca站下车。请记住,距离公园只有几个街区没有地铁站。Vallcarca在西半英里处,Alfons X在东南方向几乎一英里。欲了解更多信息,请访问古埃尔公园网站。



  ven if you're not keen on visiting the touristy Las Ramblas, make the trek to the thoroughfare only for it to lead you to the foodie heaven that is the Boqueria Market. The Boqueria Market is Barcelona's first local market, having opened in 1840. But its foodie history spans much earlier than that. The first food peddlers were said to have been around as early as the 13th century selling meat on the streets. The market you see today wasn't around back then, it took four years to construct once Saint Joseph's convent left the area (hence the name of the market).Today that tradition of hawking goodies lives on, and the covered marketplace treats visitors to the vibrant colors and enticing aromas of everything from fruit juices and wines to fresh fish, meats, produce and desserts. Make sure to grab Spanish specialties while you're there, including jamón ibérico, manchego cheese and salted cod (or bacalao). What's more, bars and restaurants can be found in and around the market, so food options truly abound here.Travelers say if you plan on visiting the Boqueria Market, make sure you come with an empty stomach. Many travelers loved the bustling atmosphere of the market as well as the wide variety of food and snacks available, with lots of visitors favoring the pressed fruit juice available at some of the stalls. Some, on the other hand, weren't crazy about the prices, while others were overwhelmed by the amount of people that flood the market on a daily basis. If you're not one for crowds, travelers suggest coming early.The Boqueria is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Browsing is free, but definitely carry some cash with you just in case something catches your eye or makes your mouth water (which according to most visitors, is highly likely). The closest metro stop is Liceu on the L3 line. For more information, check out the market's website.





  The Barri Gòtic, or Gothic Quarter, is the oldest part of Barcelona, and considering its location next to the city center, also its most liveliest. Here, you'll find beautiful examples Roman and Medieval-era architecture rubbing elbows with the many shops, restaurants, alfresco cafes, bars and clubs that line this neighborhood's narrow roads and picturesque plazas. And there are so many plazas to explore. Aside from Plaça de la Catedral, which you'll no doubt end up in if you visit the Barcelona Cathedral, make sure you stop in Plaça Reial and the smaller and much quainter Plaça Sant Felip Neri, which was bombed by Spanish dictator Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War (you can see scars from the attack on the church in the square). The palm tree-clad Plaça Reial is much more energetic and usually buzzes till the wee hours of the morning. Definitely come here to start your night out in Barcelona. Another notable plaza is Plaça Sant Jaume, where the Catalan seat of government has been since the Middle Ages. No matter where you end up in the Gothic Quarter, travelers say its Spanish splendor will leave you charmed long after you leave.

  Visitors also say when visiting the Gothic Quarter, discard the map and just let yourself wander. The neighborhood isn't that big so you'll probably end up at top spots by mindlessly strolling. Some suggested taking part in a walking tour if you're interested in learning the history behind the neighborhood.The Gothic Quarter is free to explore all hours of the day and night. The closest metro stops are Liceu and Jaume I. If you're interested in taking part in a walking tour of the Gothic Quarter, the Barcelona Tourism Board offers them. For more information on walking tours, as well as the Gothic Quarter, visit the Barcelona Tourism Board website.

  BarriGòtic或哥特区是巴塞罗那最古老的地区,考虑到它毗邻市中心,也是最活跃的地区。在这里,您会发现美丽的罗马和中世纪时期的建筑摩擦肘部,许多商店,餐馆,露天咖啡馆,酒吧和俱乐部,沿着这个社区狭窄的道路和风景如画的广场。还有那么多的广场去探索。除了大教堂广场,如果您参观巴塞罗那大教堂,您将毫无疑问最终进入这个城市,请确保您停留在皇家广场以及西班牙内战期间被西班牙独裁者弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥轰炸的小型和多功能的圣菲利普内里。棕榈树覆盖的PlaçaReial更加精力充沛,通常会在早晨的凌晨发出嗡嗡声。绝对来这里开始你在巴塞罗那的夜晚。另一个著名的广场是PlaçaSant Jaume,加泰罗尼亚的政府所在地是中世纪以来的地方。无论您到达哥特区的哪个地方,旅客都会说,西班牙的辉煌将让您在离开之后很久就会迷上您。

  游客还说,当你访问哥特区的时候,你完全可以放弃地图,只让自己徘徊。这个街区不是那么大,所以你可能会无意中漫步在最高点。有些人建议参加徒步旅行,如果你有兴趣了解社区背后的历史。哥特区可免费探索白天和黑夜的所有时间。最近的地铁站是Liceu和Jaume I.如果您有兴趣参加哥特区的徒步旅行,巴塞罗那旅游局会为您提供。有关步行旅行的更多信息以及哥特区,请访问巴塞罗那旅游局网站。



  This bustling thoroughfare is one of the city's major tourist hubs. So much so that if you're visiting Barcelona, you're bound to end up here eventually. Las Ramblas is a pedestrian-friendly pathway situated right smack dab in the middle of the city, so expect it to be busy all hours of the day and night. During the day, you can peruse souvenir stands, watch buskers and street performers, pick up some local art from artists selling on the street, or sit down and enjoy a light snack at one of the many alfresco cafes found here. When the sun sets, you should head here to start your night out, as many bars and clubs can be found in the surrounding area.While Las Ramblas has no doubt established itself as a visitor-friendly stop, it didn't always cater to tourists the way it does now. Soon after the nearly mile-long thoroughfare was developed in 1766, it became a popular place to hang out for locals. The reason for this has to do with its design. Back in the day, streets in Barcelona were predominantly narrow and windy, making the long and wide Las Ramblas unconventionally roomy. Today, the chances of finding locals congregating here fewer and farther between, especially during the day. At night, however, since it is a prime place to party, you'll likely see some more Catalans.

  这个繁华的大道是这座城市的主要旅游中心之一。如此,如果您访问巴塞罗那,您最终将在这里结束。兰布拉大道是一条便利的步行街,坐落在城市中心,所以期待它白天和夜晚的繁忙。在白天,您可以阅读纪念品摊,观看街头艺人和街头艺人,从街头卖艺术品拿一些当地的艺术品,或坐在这里的许多露天咖啡馆里享用点心。当日落的时候,你应该来这里开始你的夜晚,周围地区可以找到许多酒吧和俱乐部。尽管兰布拉大街毫无疑问地将自己定位为游客友好型的一站,但它并不总是像现在这样迎合游客。在1766年发展了近一英里长的大道后不久,它就成了当地人流行的地方。其原因与其设计有关。当天,巴塞罗那的街道狭窄而多风,使得兰布拉大道狭长而宽敞。现如今,找到当地人聚集在这里的机会越来越少,特别是在白天。然而,在晚上,因为这是聚会的主要场所,所以你可能会看到更多的加泰罗尼亚人。对于最近的旅客来说,兰布拉大街仍然是巴塞罗那的必经之路。许多旅客喜欢漫步在街上的热闹气氛,并说白天和夜晚漫步都有必要适当地吸收其传染性的能量。另一方面,一些游客发现兰布拉大道旅游观光。有些旅客对该地区发现的街头艺人和乞丐表示不满。其他人则警告不要在露天咖啡馆里拿饮料和小吃,因为他们发现价格过高(13欧元喝啤酒),票价不高。旅客也有扒手闯入。当你访问兰布拉大道时要警惕,不要把任何贵重物品留在你的口袋里,而且要随身携带。兰布拉大道免费探索白天和黑夜的所有时间。距离Las Ramblas大道最近的地铁站是Liceu。欲了解更多信息,请查看巴塞罗那旅游局的网站。


  关键信息:开放时间是全年九点开放,但关门时间因季节而异。成人15欧元(约合18.10美元),学生13欧元(约合15.65美元), 11岁以下的儿童免费。

  From 1882 up until his death in 1926, Catalan Art Nouveau master Antoni Gaudí devoted himself to the construction of La Sagrada Família (Church of the Sacred Family), a towering Gothic-style-with-a-twist church. And even then, he was unable to finish; Gaudí was known for saying "My client (God) is in no hurry." The church, which is funded by private donations, is still under construction today and is said to be completed by 2026.La Sagrada Família is not only considered to be Gaudí most recognized work, but also his best. Believe it or not, this church wasn't always Gaudí's. The architect that was first commissioned to do the church, Francesc del Paula Villar, was replaced after disagreeing with promoters of the church. When Gaudí took on the project, he changed it entirely. Instead of the original neo-Gothic style, he looked toward something more innovative. While the church does feature Gothic elements, there are plenty of unconventional details that deviate from that norm throughout, resulting in an eye-catching structure that is entirely one of a kind.Even if you're not all that interested in architecture, you're sure to find this church — like Gaudí's other work — a feast for the eyes and full of symbolism. Gaudí's main goal for La Sagrada Família was to teach people about Catholicism through architecture. The best place to see this is right outside of the church, where you'll odes all over. The four towers represent the 12 apostles and the intricately carved facades at the base show the life of Christ, from his birth, death and resurrection. La Sagrada Família's interior are just as striking, from the smooth, nearly white stone columns to the rows of vibrant stained-glass windows.

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